Galloway’s Justice has launched
Galloway’s Justice was meant for the light of day. That it did. And in three days on free promo, the novel ranked at #4 on Mystery Romance on Amazon’s Kindle Free Store.
I’ve worked on this novel for over fifteen years. The story and plot have marinated in all the heart warming notions these characters have conveyed to me. I envision it like Northern Exposure meets Longmire. Yup. Crazy, lovable community with gritty rural law enforcement.
An author always honors her characters’ hopes and dreams while directing their fate… What is distilled is a gem of a story that tugs the heart strings. Even my editor said that she missed the characters when she was done. I get that. The good news is that the last chapter begs…and I mean B-E-G-S for a sequel. (Don’t peek.) So, I’ll be working on that later in the year.
Did I say that I have a total crush on Galloway? I do. Boy, I do.
Available on Amazon. Enjoy!
A rural community in southeast Tennessee is tested when a teenage girl goes missing. Deputy Galloway suspects his girlfriend’s husband of foul play and launches an investigation.
Nestled in the nearby Smoky Mountains, a bluegrass tavern may hold clues to the teen’s fate. Yet the hills don’t talk. Galloway’s suspect’s worst crime may be in allowing circumstance to determine reality, leaving others to grapple with conjecture.
Through laughter, love, and loss, Galloway must discover his suspect’s elusive way over women so that he can bring justice for the missing girl and win back his love’s heart.
After all, no one missing is lost forever.